Pet owners are constantly looking for something better than what are offered in the mass market with thoughts and care given to their pets that consume such products.
CAHO was founded on an ethos built entirely on a Caring & Holistic approach to pet care with our products being formulated to be beneficial to the health of pets and yet wholesome and appealing.
CAHO sought to breakaway from the mass market by innovating and in doing so became the first regional pet supplements supplier to enter the market with ground-breaking products such as CAHO Nucleotide, the first 100% dietary nucleotide supplement and Immuboost Colostrum Milk, the first formulated colostrum milk, enriched with probiotics and added vitamins.
Extensive research, raw material sourcing and validation by scientists & veterinarians precede the launch of each of our unique pet supplement. The work continues and CAHO are seeking new methods, materials and processes to ensure that future products offered are innovative and yet remain as being beneficial to your pets health whilst retaining the essential quality of wholesomeness.
